Monday 26 September 2011

My film: broken circles

The film focuses on Hannah, a teenage girl from west london, friendly, popular, she just fits in with the crowd. However when dark and mysterious Ethan joins, she can't help but feel attracted to him, although being Head Girl and dating the Head Boy, loud, gorgeous Niall, she puts those feelings aside, until one day, fate brings them together, and her feelings reappear, but have severe consequences, i mean, would you want to be in love with someone that potentially could kill you in a moment?

The first minute will be a young girl sitting in a dark room, only lightened by a small light where you see her writing in a diary, the words spoken out loud 'I don't even know where to begin diary, it seems so surreal. One minute i'm dating Niall, the sweetest boy known to existence, next he's trying to kill me.. things have changed, my LIFE has changed,since Ethan have joined but i wouldn't go back. Not for a second. But lets start from the beginning.
The scene changes and shows the title and a school in the back ground, short snippets of teenagers laughing/walking/on the phone, accompanied by The Kooks- Naive or Call It What You Want- Foster The People. Then about 20 seconds in you see the same girl Hannah, she's walking through the school to her lesson were she takes a seat next to her best friend, Onah. The bell rings and the lesson starts. There is a knock on the door and a boy walks in wearing a leather jacket and jeans, introduced by the teacher as Ethan Lenfal. *Non-diagenic speech* Lenfal? Ethan Lenfal, why did that sound familiar? it sounded like a acroynm for something but i couldn't place it

Girl and boy meet. Is it fate? Or is it something much more sinister then that?..

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