Tuesday 26 June 2012


I watched M.I.A's Born Free video, as it went behind the conventional themes of a normal music video to show a portrayal of the discrimination certain people get because of something they are born to… For example here gingers are targeted which could symbolise racism or religious prejudice. The use of ginger hair leads the audience to use their own thoughts to create the bigger picture and their own ideas of what it means. In my opinion it shows the societies portray of a certain topic, in this case war and using innocent ginger people it makes the system look corrupt and in a way it is funny because of one thing a whole minority of people is targeted. The death in the video is seen as controversial and not familiar with an audience and because it is a young child it is seen more so and this could relate to war as many innocent people die. One of the gingers rebels against the "law" and runs away which could portray asylum seekers and refugees.

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