Monday 19 September 2011

Three colours: blue

In the opening scene you hear a wheel turning, it's a loud sound and you don't see the car until a few moments. Then you see a close up view of the tyre moving, then the screen shows the title of the movie, with the sound of the tyre still in the background. Then you see the tyre again, and hear a loud beep. A minute into the film, you see  a child's hand out of the window, holding a piece of foil, which is making a rustling sound in the wind. She then lets it go, this could symbolise the fact that not everything lasts forever, and some things you have to let go. The scene suddenly changes from a daylight scene to a night one, a shot of a little girl staring out of a window. When we see out of the window the scene is disorientated and hallucinogenic colours, mostly whites red and blue. The Three Colours trilogy consists of 3 different films, Red, White and Blue. The fact that these are the colours shown gives the impression that they all relate to each other, even in the slightest of ways. Once they emerge from the tunnel the the little girl runs out of the car towards the bushes. A man, presumably her dad gets out the car looking tired and starts stretching, resting his hands on his neck.

At 1:57, the scene changes to the dripping of oil, off some sort of wire. There could be many connotations to this, such as it symbolises some sort of end, like a ticking time bomb, as the noise is subtle, like a rhythmic 'drip, drip, drip' then you see the young child's silhouette, however they're not clear in contrast to the oil. At this moment you hear the first piece of dialogue urging the child 'Anna' to hurry up and get in. The doors close and the family drive away.

The scene is then taken away from the family, and focuses on a toy and hand. The noise is subtle again, but you may notice a resemblance in the noise 'click, click, click' almost identical to the dripping of the oil. The surroundings are foggy and you can only make out that there is a car because of the horn and the front lights. The guy was a hitch hiker, as you saw him lift his hand to the car, which drove past. You don't know that it is the same car as earlier, and the boy looks disappointed, until he accomplishes what he wanted with his toy and his face lights up. A millisecond later there is a screech of tyres and then the camera focuses on the car, plummeting into a tree. A fox runs across the screen howling and you hear a woman's cry of pain. The toy could be symbolism for disastrous things, but then good things to come.

As the camera focused on the wreckage of the car, a colourful beach ball rolls out, and out of the camera shot, resembling something lost, something bright, and symbolises a happier time. The boy then takes his skateboard and runs through the mud towards the car, then throws it down half way. It seems hard to run through the mud and could mean that it's difficult to get to it.

1 comment:

  1. This is really detailed work and shows some excellent insight into what you have watched. I particularly like the way that you make links between denotation and connotation - though you must use these words if possible.

    www - good links between den and conn, some use of media terminology

    ebi - extend use of media terminology with greater accuracy.
