Thursday 15 September 2011

Scream 4

Even before the film starts, and the 'Dimension' (film company) is shown, you hear a phone ringing. The film then starts and a close up of the phone is shown. A girl answers and the music in the background is eerie and quiet, unsettling even, like you're expecting something to happen. Another character is then shown and a conversation about her 'FaceBook stalker' is then started. 'Hey, what's up?You're hot i want to kill you' are some of the messages he send. The last one being the most unnerving and not normal. The music has stopped and things seemed retentively normal. Their conversation continues for a few more moments until the phone rings again, the same caller as before, which the girls regarded as a wrong phone number call. The caller then threatens the girls 'you hang up on me and i'll cut your neck until i feel bone' the girls hang up and start panicking, as the same person stalking girl 2 is asking to answer the phone. The first girl is not convinced and thinks it's a prank. They walk to the door and the bell rings, frightening girl 2 but girl one goes to the door still saying it's a joke, ready to open the door. She does, and there seems to be no one there. The second girl then receives another message saying 'I'm not outside, i'm right beside you.' At this moment, a masked figure jumps out and stabs the second girl in the neck and the music starts up, menacing and troublesome, a sort of jingle for horror movie soundtracks. The first girl then tries to run out the house, the music tempo increasing and the sound getting louder. Another masked hooded figure appears this time slitting her throat, and blood starts spilling out. She falls and the 'title' appears, however not the film title, but another 'Stab 6', giving a film inside a film effect.

The next scene is another 2 girls, but age wise older then the previous two. One is criticizing the film, the other talking about how she enjoyed it. As the first girl goes to get a soda, you can see the other getting agitated about the others comments. She sits back down and says 'You can see everything coming, there's no element of suprise' and at that exact moment girl 2 stabs her in the gut and says 'Did that surprise you?'

The genre is a horror/thriller/suspense. It is not suitable for young children and is a 15 rating. It would be most enjoyed by people who like to be in suspense and scared, or people who have seen the other 4 and wanted to continue watching the next part.

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