Thursday 17 November 2011

Primevil analysis.

I was put into a group with Muna and Jessica and we had to analyse the verbal language in the extract.
In the last scene, you see a woman and man conversing, with the woman obviously at a higher status then the man. She is using her power to manipulate him, in doing what she wants him to do. You see then a change in this power over him, and she becomes threatened by the man, showing that even though she has a higher power over him, she is still a woman, and therefore less able to defend herself, however when her friends come to her rescue, you see her regain that power and act like the previous emotions she felt where not real.
Throughout the clip, you can tell who the protagonist is, the male because not only does he verbally say the commands, but you can tell the others expect him to lead.

From the verbal language we can see who is more calm in contrast to the more panicked ones, and the tempo and volume of the speech shows us the emotions and status of the characters.

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