Tuesday 8 November 2011

Narrative: The Dark Knight

I found analysing The Dark Knight easiest, as instead of watching 2 minutes like the other two films, we watched 6, in which there was a lot of action and enigma codes given.

It started off with a view of sky scrapers, the camera zooming into on in particular, the middle one, which was the smallest. In front was another building, but not a giant office, we find out it is a bank further on. The camera focuses on the windows, when suddenly the glass shatters, and the camera then changes from an outside view, to a close up of a masked man in the building, showing that he is the one that just broke the window. He puts his gun down, and the camera moves to show him assembling another weapon, and you can see there is another masked man with him. He then positions the weapon on his shoulder, and shoots towards the building that is bank.
The camera instantly changes scene, to show the back of a man, holding a similar mask, and a large shoulder bag. The gives away the fact that the men are connected, and a sense of irony develops, as the clown masks are not symbolising joy, but something evil, and bad. The camera then zooms into a close up of the mask, and a car squeals to a stop in front of the man, who then puts on the mask and gets in.
The camera once again goes back to the scene of the two 'clown' in the skyscraper, and shows then about to zip wire onto the other building. There is an extreme close up of an arm that pushes something across the zip wire before he descends. There are multiple shot changes during the zip-wire. Once the second man kicks off, you see a long shot down view of the cars, which are small, showing the large risk of death in case they fall. You then see a birds eye view of the two men, and then finally them landing, and a long angle shot.
The scene changes again to the men in the car, where they start conversing, the camera behind their heads, then the camera has a close up side view of the guy sitting by the driver, loading his gun. It again changes to the guys on the roof, and they converse as well, then they break into the bank system, it changes into another scene of the 3 guys running into the bank and shooting into the air. The next scene is the guys on the roof, and the loud shooting noises are unheard, and there is a sense of calm, and then one shoots the other, and runs through the escape exit, to the vault which he starts to open. While this is going on in the bank there is much more violent action, with people screaming and the clowned figures pulling people and pushing. There is a medium close up of a masked man giving a grenade to a man, to ensure he doesn't move. There are lots of shots of the room, and focuses on a man, still behind his desk, who stands up and shoots one clown down. It shows the other hiding behind and in the end leads to the shooting of the office man. You see the vault still trying to be opened, and another clown joins him, and turns on him, like most of the clowns in the operation. He takes the money, and returns to the other, the only two left standing. The 180 degree rule is in play, and the conversation ends with a school bus knocking one guy over, and the money being transferred into the bus. The guy asks 'where the other guys' and the last clown shoots him, showing that he in fact is the most significant, and even though most of them where the antagonists he is the leader, and this is even more clearer once he takes his mask off, the 'Joker' they were all talking about. The man, who tried to shoot the clowns, could possibly be the protagonist when he is first introduced, but we realise he is not, as he was murdered by the Joker, this shows us that because he couldn't be, there would be a another, the 'Dark Knight' as the film title suggests.

The music throughout is a sort of techno, thriller based tune, which becomes louder at the scenes where there is no speaking, which plays throughout the whole six minutes. When the scenes change, the music gets louder, with drums added in to create suspense.

The scene is a multi-narrative, with the scenes running parallel involving different narratives and locations, for example the guys on the roof and the guys in the bank, they're all working together but each group has a different task.
The only noted equilibrium is the first couple of moments before the glass shatters, which quickly turns into disequilibrium, as the film progresses.

The action codes are each masked man questioning the authority of the joker, leading to the consequences of the death, and the joker actually being present the whole time.
The enigma codes mean we don't know who the masked character are, and why the bank is being robbed. The joker could have easily shared the money between them all, but chose not to, showing he had a motive that would be explained later in the film.

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