Thursday 15 September 2011

Johnny English

This film, although a comedy, seems like a suspense/triller in the first few minutes of the opening scene. The music relates to that of a spy film, sounding like the James Bond theme. You see a man dressed in black, camouflaged behind a bush, and at this moment you're not sure what to think of this character as he starts running towards a giant mansion, his back towards the camera until you hear dogs starting to bark and the man turns towards then, the music stopped at this moment and reaches into his pockets, and takes out two dog toys, when in reality you were expecting a weapon of some sort. The dogs are entranced and stop barking and he throws them in separate directions and the dogs go out of the scene again.

In the next scene, the man is now lowering himself into the building on a string, and lands and looks around only to be welcomed by the 'Heckler and Koch G36' is the words first spoken by the character who is still unknown and unnamed. He then proceeds to knock both gunmen out, and continues running. The music has stopped entirely and the sound effects for him are 3 different pitches of dramatic notes. The music starts again as he starts running up a set of stairs, into a room where he then starts scavenging for something, and comes to find a letter, at which point the lights turn on and he turns to see a young woman holding a gun in a provocative dress. They exchange words and the music turns to a seductive tune, which gives the impression of a romantic encounter taking place.

As they are about to kiss the scene changes to the same man, obviously dreaming. He was sitting in an office, the destination and work type is unknown. He is woken by someone calling him 'sir' asking for documents, which he then starts to look for. Suddenly another character arrives, going by the name 'agent 1' obviously someone of high importance. He manages to throw his coat and it lands on the hook, without any effort. After some speech, 'agent 1' says the famous last words 'if i tell you i'll have to kill you.

Another scene follows, with the gonging of church bells and classic English scenery. There is slow, sad music playing in the background like an orchestra. The first character, still only known as sir is making a speech, making it clear that it is a funeral, that of agent 1. The rest of the agents then start carrying the coffin to the church, and the funeral car drives away. 'Sir' and 'Bough', both approach a car, and say the words 'you are entering London's safest location' and then an explosion erupts near the church, you see ash and clouds forming. You then here a moo and you see 10 Downing Street, where there is a conversation going on.

In the first minute, you see the credits on the bottom of the screen, both capital and non capital letters. They are silver in colour, like a gun, and shimmering.

The rating for this film is PG however it could be debatable as in the first 2 minutes there is already scenes of seduction, which might not be suitable for minors. However the genre, if you continue watching seems like an action comedy.

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